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Monday, June 25, 2012

My Adventure with Football

For as long as I can remember, I have never been much into sports. I would enjoy watching certain types on television sporadically and these usually included gymnastics or some form of athletics. I didn’t mind watching football because it’s one of the few competitive games that I could actually understand and was able to follow with relative ease. However, I never considered myself much of a football fan. Until now…
It all started with the UEFA Euro 2012. I must admit that the fact that Poland is hosting some of the games along with Ukraine might have had something to do with it. Poland vs Greece also happened to be the opening match. I knew nothing about the Polish team at all as most of the players are new now. The ones that caught my eye in particular were Robert Lewandowski and Jakub Błaszczykowski – they had scored a goal each in the Poland vs Greece and Poland vs Russia matches respectively.
I was unusually excited before the Poland vs Czech Republic match which was to determine which team would go into the quarter finals. Feelings of patriotism are quite alien to me so I was actually surprised myself by how much I cared. Unfortunately, Poland didn’t make it and for a couple of days I felt a little more heartbroken than I had originally anticipated.
I have never followed any of the league or friendly matches but I might just start. Will my love for football last or is it a temporary phase?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012


So I realize that I pretty much stopped blogging. Long gone are the good ol' days of blogging on Livejournal. The reason I decided to write this post is because I recently came across an old LJ friend's blog (mind you, she doesn't use it anymore either), and it just brought back so many memories. LJ days were quite painful to be honest because I was going through a "not truly myself" sort of phase. I must have been about 19 at the time, and boy, was I confused! Breakups, multiple heartaches, and losing people I considered close. So yeah... Life is a lot better now. I still miss blogging sometimes though (and by that I mean writing, and not just posting sets of random photos or my art). I definitely miss having an audience.

Monday, May 7, 2012

My new favorite animal

So I think I might have just discovered my new favorite animal... the bilby! Apparently, these cute little critters are starting to replace Easter bunnies in Australia.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

a girl

i haven't drawn a human-like creature in so long that i actually wanted to see if i still have it in me.
the end result - not so bad. i'm actually quite happy i gave it a try.
audrey kawasaki was, of course, a huge inspiration.
i want to draw more girls now.

Dream Honeymoon Destination

Bora Bora!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cat Art

a fanart of Pangur Bán (White Fuller). i based this drawing on the representation of Pangur Bán in the Secret of Kells movie.
i'm actually quite happy with how it turned out (which is rare for me)...

a BW sketch of Pangur Bán. it took quite a long time to sketch out and color because of all the leaves.

Nyan Cat... i actually like this painting/drawing.

i have mixed feelings about this drawing.

my first go at a Siamese cat. not too happy with it actually.