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Monday, October 24, 2011

old clothes and liquid diet

so i seriously feel like getting rid of half of my clothes and only keeping the ones i really like.
i stress on the word "really" because each time that i actually get around to cleaning my wardrobe i end up re-folding all those clothes i never wear and putting them back in. why do i do that? maybe because i feel guilty about not having worn them enough or (which is more likely) i just end up convincing myself that i'll wear them "some day" and that i actually like them...

in other news, i've been eating so much junk lately that i have actually decided to go on the long-overdue liquid diet. now, a few concerns - i have never actually done an all-liquid diet and i have a stressful day ahead of me. also, where and how am i supposed to get/prepare vegetable broth?
yeah, i hope i last the day. so far i've had green tea and my stomach is already in knots.

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