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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

bowl cuts and Fabienne

"A bowl cut, also known as a pot haircut, or a mushroom cut, is a haircut where the hair is cut short on the sides and back and looking as though someone put a bowl on the head and cut off all the visible hair." (Wikipedia, 2011)

Fabienne's bowl cut

i've been thinking of getting a bowl cut lately.
yes, it's probably the most asexual, infantile hairstyle imaginable, but i find it cute.
it's relatively easy to maintain which is always a plus.
the only two problems that i'm seeing at the moment are that -
a) i might regret it the second it's done. i've been trying to grow my hair out for a while now and it has finally reached the shoulder-length level. so yeah, chopping it off at this point might cause heartache.
b) bowl-cuts tend to grow out of shape quite fast and going for regular trims is a pain.
c) i secretly want really long hair again.

here's my rendition of Fabienne from Pulp Fiction.

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